
After Randy woke up, he had a two-year hole in his memory—and then some.

He tried to remember what happened, but his memories were a jumble, and he had a hard time trying to figure out what was real and what was imagination trying to fill in the gaps.

Finally he asked family and friends to write down whatever they could to help him find out who he had been, and who he became. Some of the letters were hard for him to read. He was ashamed and sorry for his behavior, and recognized that he had played fast and loose with people; not only his friends, but his family as well.

As he looks back, he realizes that he wasn’t a very happy person; he vows to lead a better life as an example to others.

Here, then, are the letters that helped Randy reconnect—and ultimately reinvent his life.

My Life With Randy


Alan’s eMail Diary


Cousin Nancy




What I Remember

2000-2025 Copyright Randall V. Hall All Rights Reserved.